This this week for me was a little interesting to say the least. Professor Simpson gave us a full plate of assignments to do this week. When I went online Sunday night to print out my over view of assignments, I noticed a few of the readings with interesting titles to them. One was called "A Party Down at the Square". Now first reading that, I thought wow this should be a fun, up-beat type of story that I could maybe relate to. But oh was I wrong. I was actually about an African American who was burtn to death by "White people", who back then were very racist and never thought twice about other races and thier feelings. It was very hard for me to read because growing up in a town where racism was never really an issue (from my perspective), I kinda of forgot that things like this actually hapened years ago and that in some parts it is still going on. It makes me really sad to think that there will probably never be a day where every single person in the world will get a lot because there are just too many clashing personalities and everyone has their own mindset that they have created. This story really opened my eyes and put into perspective what it was like back in the day when issues like this hapened on a daily basis and no one thought anything of it. Professor also made us read a short story called " This is What is Means to Say Phoenix, Arizona". I didn'treally understand the real meaning behind the story until I watched the YouTube clips that the Professor had made us watch to go along with it. I am difinately a better visual learner than a person that can just pick up on something after I have read it. Not gunna lie, I ended up liking the story. I was pretty interesting. Oh man, here came the biggie. We had to write our first draft paper =(. I was not a happy camper. One, I can't write a good esay to save my life and two I was just something that realy wasn't on my todo list. So after countless hours of working on the draft, I held my breath as I submitted the 1st draft. Ughhh I can only imagine what grade I was going to get. I feel like Elementary school kids could probably write a better essay than me. But what can I do? I just had to suck it up and get it done. Well that was about it for this week. See ya later!
Work Cited
"Writing Assignments." Basic Rules of a Writing Assignment. Web. 6 Oct. 2009. .
Glad to know that the auditory and visual modalities help you understand the written word. The movie Smoke Signals pretty much follows the story, "What It Means to Say phoenix, Arizona." Love that cartoon by the way. Don't forget to cite it as the author may sue you for copyright infringement.