Saturday, October 3, 2009

My first Day of Intro to Literature

Walking in as a sophomore, I had this new self confidence about myself that I didn't really have when I was a freshman. I was more comfortable with my surroundings and I atleast had a better idea as to what I was getting myself into when classes started. It was August 24,2009. I was so excited for the first day of school as I always was, but walking into my 2:00 Literature class, I had a weird vibe that this wasn't going to be an ordinary class where we would just sit and read from the book for an hour and 15 minutes. I walked into class not knowing if I was going to know anyone in there but to my suprise I actually had a couple friends that I had recognized so it eased my nervous level going in. My teacher Shila Bolduc-Simpson walked into class with about 10 minutes to spare. She had this really excited look on her face and I couldn't tell if that was a good thing or a bad thing. Usually most teachers don't have outgoing lively personalities, but she definitely did. She started is off with an ice-breaker activity. She gave us a sheet of paper with random questions on it, and we had to walk around the room, asking various students these questions to see if any pertained to them. Once the assignment was complete, the professor asked the class to go around and say one thing about a person that we now know about them. I thought this was a great way for us to almost force us to get to know others in the class that we wouldn't have normally talked to. Our next assignment was to get into pairs and create a "Wordle" about literature. In all my years of school, I had never heard the word wordle so I was a little confused as to how to make one and to collaberate on it with someone I barley even knew. I worked on it with a classmate of mine named Emily, and if I do say so myself, I think we did a pretty darn good job on it. One of Mrs. Bolduc's requirements for the class was to become more familiar with Angle, which is the website that we use to communicate to classmates and teachers when we are out of class. I myself was not very familiar with the site because the only time I would ever use it was to strictly just check grades. I never knew it had all these different features that made communicating so much easier with one another. My overall first day of class was definitely an experience to say the least. I was a little nervous to find out what was to come, but I think my excitement was more overpowering!
Work Cited
"Funny Times." Funny Times. Web. 7 Oct. 2009.

1 comment:

  1. Believe it or not, I was nervous but really excited, too. Having my husband and my daughter share in the first-day experience was memorable for little fan base. As many years as I have stepped into that classroom on the first day, I still have the shakes. But, as you say, the excitement overpowers the nervousness and the journey begins. I feel privileged to have you in my class, Ms. R.
