I cannot believe half the semester is gone already! Honestly where did it go? Lately we have been spending a lot of time on the different types of poetry. I never knew how many kinds there really were. It is a bit overwhelming because each has their own techniquies and sound completely different. Professor had given us an assignment to creat a lesson plan to teach the class a particular play from the book. I am partnered up with a classmate of mine named Emily and we were giving the play "An Enemy of the People". We have been working on the assignment for a few days now. I never really knew how much time and effort it took to create a lesson plan for just one class time. I have a new respect for teachers for all the hard and dedicated work that goes into creating these plans. But going back to the assignment, I think we did a pretty good job and I hope we get approved for the activies that we have planned for the class to do. I am actually kind of excited and normally I don't like having to stand infront of the class and have to explain something, but in this case it might be a little easier to do. For our midterm assignment I had the chance to make one of these blogs! I had never in my life made one before. I think maybe the closest thing to it you be my facebook page. That has really been my only way of communicating what I feel to the public. But being on this site has allowed for me to express things in a totally new way. It's pretty short and to the point when I am on facebook but on here I can write as much or as little as I want. This is by far my favorite assignment because it has challenged me to express myself and to not be afraid of saying what I feel. I think so far the goal from Professor Simpson has been accomplished for me because I feel like I am getting more involved with the class discussions and having more of an enjoyment doing it. I am really excited for the next few weeks to see what she has in store for us!
Work Cited
"Homeroom teacher." Lesson Plans. Web. 6 Oct. 2009. http://www.homeroomteacher.com/images/lessonplans_1.gif.
"Facebook." Facebook. Web. 6 Oct. 2009. .
Blogs go a tad deeper than Facebook with regard to the number of words. Watch your typos, Erica.