Coming into my 2nd day of class, I had a little bit of a better understanding as to what the professor was trying to get out of us. I noticed that her main focus for the class was to GET INVOLVED. She always encouraged for us to ask questions and to make comments about the various topics that were being discussed. The main topic for that particular day was characterization and being able to identify each personalities. During class, Professor Simpson has us do a free write on a particualr video about this elderly couple and how they have kept their relationship for all these years. When I though of the word free write, I though of all the different possible topics I could just start elaborating on. I was really excited to just be able to write what ever I was thinking at the moment instead of having to pre plan and analyze what I was going to write about. I thought this assignment was a great way for me to just express, even if what I had talked about wasn't exactly about the video, it still related in some way that would make sense. I also had to read a couple short stories from the literature book and annotated on them. This week was the week for me to finally settle down and force myself to get serious about school. Although some of the assignment were a little rough to get through, I still managed to get through it all. I was so proud of myself for accomplishing what I call my "First Real Week of School". =)
Work Cited
Web. 7 Oct. 2009. http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_2NVidvH-nOw/Rhwl_UsgTkI/AAAAAAAAAE8/4wQTcEu-7gc/s320/1.jpg.
You should be proud of yourself, Erica. Youse 'da best!!